Ordinary Christ Church Haywards Heath



An independent evangelical church


  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 27: Where is God in a pandemic?

    08/07/2020 Duration: 30min

    Today we have a return to Ordinary Apologetics! – kind of. We aren’t covering a new argument today, but instead rehearsing something we have covered in a past episode, as we respond to the question “Where is God in a pandemic?”

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 26: Marriage under fire in lockdown

    01/07/2020 Duration: 30min

    Lock a couple inside their house with no face-to-face contact with friends or extended family for several months in a row. Remove most, if not all, exercise, leisure and retail therapy options. Add a healthy dose of media frenzy, fear of illness and job uncertainty. And times all of that by the number of children […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 24: Living alone in lockdown

    24/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    Quarantine and social distancing has been rough for all of us, but arguably it’s been hardest for those who are single and live alone. The isolation has been long and worsened by the uncertainty over when it will end. Today we’re joined by Tom Warburton, who has some great advice for those are in this […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 24: Racism and Injustice

    17/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    This week we are focusing in on the issue of racism and injustice, which has been reignited in our minds due to the events in the USA in recent days. As churches and as individuals, what should our response be when we see evidence of inequality in our society, and how do we pursue justice […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 23: Online Gaming

    10/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    Online gaming has become a giant industry and hobby in our era, with the global industry worth some $152 billion, and with all odds suggesting further growth as the experience becomes more refined, more immersive and more accessible.What do Christians think about the world of online gaming?

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 23: Online Church – is it even worth it?!

    03/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    So we’ve been doing this “online church” thing for a while now. How do you think it’s going? That’s not rhetorical – you can actually email us your thoughts on ordinary@cchh.org.uk. What do you like, and what do you dislike? What elements should be carried forward, and what are the core challenges? Let us know […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 22: Honest thoughts on UK lockdown

    27/05/2020 Duration: 30min

    I keep thinking that we won’t talk about Covid again. There’s been enough commentary, we’ve had enough opinions thrown at us left and right – and then we go and talk about it again. But this week is a little bit different. As we ease lockdown measures here in the UK and more and more […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 21: Evangelism in lockdown

    20/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    Evangelism is an area of the Christian life that is quite obviously impacted by lockdown. We just aren’t seeing people so it’s very difficult to have meaningful interactions that can lead to gospel conversations, but is there absolutely nothing we can do? In today’s episode we think about evangelism in the context of a lockdown.

  • Ordinary – Season 2 Episode 20: Covid Communications

    13/05/2020 Duration: 30min

    Communication is an art form at the best of times, and now that we’re limited to mostly online communications through messaging and video calls, what we choose to say to each other and how we say it becomes even more important. The potential for misunderstandings – leading to frosty exchanges and bad feelings – goes […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2: Episode 19 – Dynamics of the heart

    06/05/2020 Duration: 30min

    We are incredibly complex creatures. Everything we choose to say and do is motivated by an potentially irreducibly complicated entanglement of motivations, desires and perspectives. As Christians it’s really important to be self reflective, and in this episode we’re thinking about The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life by Jeremy Pierre, a book that attempts to […]

  • Ordinary – Season 2: Episode 18 – Transgenderism

    29/04/2020 Duration: 29min

    This week on Ordinary, as well as catching up on each other’s lockdown feelings, we’re talking about transgender. There seem to be several specific areas of Christian thought for each generation upon which secular views seem to press hard. At this time we see things like same-sex relationships, abortion, and and transgender issues directly challenging […]

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