Apostle Sydney Quaye



Apostle Sydney Quaye is a revivalist by calling, a prolific Teacher and a lover of the Word of God; Commissioned by heaven into the Office of an Apostle with a Prophetic Ministry.


  • Spiritual Realities - Heirs of God

    23/06/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. The believer's inheritance is connected to the understanding of the WORD OF HIS GRACE. What are the plans God has for believers? As sons of God, are we heirs of God? What constitutes the dimensions of our inheritance as heirs of God? In this message, Apostle uses the parable of the prodigal son to explain the length God went to make us his sons. Be blessed and enlightened as you listen to learn how to access all that is in stock for you in Christ.

  • Spiritual Realities - Spiritual Warfare

    17/06/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. Many Believers entertain misconceptions and a myopic understanding of spiritual warfare. What is the correct purview of spiritual warfare according to the scriptures? Is the believer called to battle for his victory or called to enforce the victory of the Christ? How important is the renewal of the mind in spiritual warfare? In this message, Apostle provides answers and through the scriptures explains the 7 fundamental principles of Spiritual warfare. Become a refined warrior as you listen to this episode and discover the realities of spiritual warfare.

  • Spiritual Realities - Mind Renewal

    06/06/2022 Duration: 01h12min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In redemption, God purchased the believer by the blood of JESUS. He recreated the spirit of the believer and made our body his temple. However, when it comes to the soul, God gave the believer the sole duty to renew his mind and offer it to God. In this message, Apostle touches on the soul by explaining the phenomenal capacity of the mind. He offers an understanding into the two levels of mind renewal and gives a step-by-step guide on how to engage the process of renewing the mind for victorious living. Become enlightened as you learn the power of mind renewal and become renewed in your mind.

  • Spiritual Realities - Faith In His Name

    31/05/2022 Duration: 52min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In Acts 3, the scripture paints a picture of the power in the name of JESUS. Does the believer need to gather faith to use the name of Jesus or all the believer needs is faith in the name? With the example of David, Apostle elucidates the three transitions of a name. Has the name of Jesus gone through these transitions? In this message, you will learn the realities about the name of JESUS as you discover the 7 rhemas of the name. Be equipped with the knowledge of the name and use the gift of his name to your advantage.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Realm Of Power

    11/03/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. The believer is an embodiment of power, he is not looking for power neither does he lack power. In this message, with many scriptures Apostle uncovers the knowledge of the power believers have received. He sheds light on the concepts of power and authority and explains the dynamics needed to activate and use the power we have. What bearing does decisions, orders and enforcing obedience have in manifesting power? What are the rights of believers that makes them live a powerful life? Find out as you listen to this episode and become powerful.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Believer’s Identity

    11/03/2022 Duration: 48min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In Galatians 3, the Apostle Paul used hard words on people who listened and preached any other gospel aside from the gospel Paul taught. Thus, the quest to understand the truth of the gospel is paramount above all else. In this episode, Apostle in simplicity sheds light on the gospel and lists the 27 concepts that constitute the identity of the believer. He focuses on the identity of Believers as citizens and ambassadors of heaven. Listen and be blessed, as you learn the realities of our rights as citizens and ambassadors of heaven on earth.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Union Of The Believer

    11/03/2022 Duration: 56min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. The concept of the union of the believer with his Lord is the highest truth in the New Testament. Apostle lays the foundation of this message with 1 Corinthians 6:17 and discusses the dimensions of union detailed in the scriptures. He skillfully by the scriptures focuses on the highest union- a man sharing the same spirit with the Lord and being a partaker of the divine nature. Listen and learn the reality of who the Lord is and our union with him.

  • Spiritual Realities - Zion

    11/03/2022 Duration: 55min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In Hebrews 12:18-21, the contrast of two mountains ( Sinai and Zion)  is presented and the believer is made to know which mountain he has come unto. What is Zion? Is there a language inhabitants in Zion must speak? and what are the benefits and implications of being in Zion?. In this message, Apostle exposes the reality of Zion and provides answers to the aforementioned questions. Listen and discover the realities available for the believer in Zion.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Anointed

    10/03/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In 2 corinthians 1:20-22, the scripture establishes the truth that we have been anointed by God. However, when a believer loses the consciousness of being anointed, he or she will end up becoming like Saul. What is the anointing? What are the implications and blessings of the anointing? In this message, Apostle opens up the mystery of the anointing and offers answers to the questions about the holy anointing upon us. Be blessed as you discover the knowledge of the anointing upon you and walk in its reality.

  • Spiritual Realities - Instruction In Righteousness

    10/03/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In this message, Apostle focuses on the fact that the new creation is righteous. Apostle uses the scriptures, to explain the two kinds of righteousness and details the 7 instructions associated with the righteousness of the new creation. Listen to these realities and awaken to the instructions in the gift of righteousness you have received as the new creation.

  • Spiritual Realities - New Creation

    10/03/2022 Duration: 47min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men.   The centrality of the gospel is the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The work of the cross has redefined all spiritual realities. In this episode, Apostle takes time to explain from the scriptures, our identification in the death and resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection and enthronement have caused the believer to become the new creation. As you listen to this message, become aware of the real implications of who you have become in Christ - the new creation.

  • Spiritual Realities - The New Covenant

    10/03/2022 Duration: 51min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men.  Is there a difference between the old covenant and the new covenant? Notwithstanding the exploits of the old covenant, what necessitated the need for a new covenant? In this episode, Apostle answers the above questions by explaining from Hebrews, the faults of the old covenant. He examines the dimensions of a covenant and opens up the realities of the new covenant from the scriptures. Listen and become educated in realities of the knowledge of his Goodwill for us in this new covenant.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Dethroned Enemy

    10/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men.   What is the reality of the devil according to the word of God? Is the Devil as powerful as most of the body of christ accord him power? The Bible gives an exact reality of who the Devil is, his current state after the cross of Calvary, and what the end of his existence will be. In this message, Apostle empowers the believer with knowledge from the word of God, about the dethroned enemy- the Devil. Listen and awaken to the reality of the Devil and reign over all that pertains to him.

  • Spiritual Realities - The Kingdom

    10/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. The level of blessing the believer enjoys and experiences is a result of the revelation he has received. The quest of these episodes on spiritual realities is to provide the believer with insight and revelation into the secrets of the kingdom. In this first episode, Apostle teaches the believer to understand that, the Kingdom of God (the reign of God) has come and is not yet to come. He establishes truths to make the believer know what to expect as the kingdom of God has come on earth. Position yourself to become enlightened by the reality of the kingdom that has come, as you listen to this message.

  • The Benediction

    07/03/2022 Duration: 32min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   In this episode, Apostle cites examples from biblical characters to demonstrate that the blessing has a pattern and a proven track record. The blessing has an enduring intelligent life force that makes it prevail over any circumstance and condition once it is acknowledged. Since the bible clearly states that there is a blessing on the head of a believer, what could be the reasons that limits its operation? Discover these reasons and learn the benediction (the good pronouncements) God has made about you. Be blessed as you listen and renew your mind on how empowered you are in Christ!

  • The Blessed House

    06/03/2022 Duration: 43min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   What was the mystery that kept the eyes of the men of Sodom blinded at the door of Lot's house? What was the hedge the devil spoke about that kept the man Job and his house? Is the environment a blessed man lives in affected by the blessing? In this episode, Apostle provides answers to these questions. He cites many biblical scenarios to shed light on the ability of the blessing to keep its carrier, his/her house, and everything around him/her. Be blessed as you listen and experience the peace that comes with knowing your house is a blessed house!

  • The Blessing (Multiplication) - Part Two

    29/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   The war between Jehoshaphat and the 3 nations (Moab, Ammon, and the people of Mount Seir) becomes a case study Apostle uses to establish the fact that, in the dispensary of the blessing, Ignorance is no bliss. Ignorance will propel decisions and attitudes that will inhibit the expression of the blessing. The blessing is a multiplier and it multiplies all things God has added to us. God did not add sorrow to the blessing but He has added many other things. In this episode, we are given knowledge about the added things that will be multiplied as a result of the blessing. Be blessed as you listen and be assured that by the knowledge in this message multiplication is coming your way!

  • The Blessing (Multiplication) - Part One

    24/09/2021 Duration: 36min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   God's word cannot be broken or changed. When God speaks, he sends the words and they excel in achieving the task for which it was sent. When God told Abraham, in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply you, what did He mean? In this episode, Apostle mentions that God’s blessing is immeasurable but its effect can be measured. Therefore he explains the multiplier effect of the blessing and its ability to deliver a 30, 60, 100, and a 1000 fold (times) harvest. Be blessed as you listen and discover the means to engage the multiplier effect of the blessing over all your endeavors today!

  • The Blessing Of Addition

    21/09/2021 Duration: 33min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   In this episode, Apostle emphasizes the truth that, Christ is the highest form of empowerment. We will discover that in Christ there is a consummation of the three sources of the blessing for the believer. King Solomon had an experience of the ability of the blessing. Therefore, Apostle uses Proverbs 10:22 to explain the ability of the blessing which makes one rich by means of addition.  We will explore the three things the blessing adds to the believer and how it eliminates sorrow in all its expressions.  Be blessed as you listen to this message and get set to launch out, knowing the blessing will produce additions for you!

  • The Blessing

    19/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church.   In this timeless teaching, Apostle sheds light on the designs God had on us to make us a blessing. He discusses the three sources of the blessing and engages the mind of believers to acknowledge the blessing we received the day we became born again. Be blessed as you listen to discover how blessed you are and the ability of the blessing to produce all things for you!  

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