Makom Israel Teachers Lounge



The Makom Israel Teachers Lounge is a weekly Israeli news update with veteran Gap Year teachers Mike Unterberg and Alan Goldman, taking you behind the headlines to let you know what's really going on in Israeli politics, news and culture.


  • Are there boundaries to Jewish caricatures?

    22/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    Are there boundaries to Jewish caricatures? We didn’t even know that Ben was recording. But he was! He recorded our discussion of a political cartoon. (you can look at it on this link) It made Matt particularly uncomfortable and we debate its appropriateness. The issue was that the government was defunding existing programs to transfer more money to Haredi causes and institutions. And so the cartoon showed Orthodox Jews running away with bags of money. Isn’t that an antisemitic trope? But even if so, how else can an Israeli political cartoonist show Haredi party leaders taking money away from other parties? It’s an interesting but niche topic. So while we didn’t record a full episode about it, we’re releasing it as a bonus while we prepare to record the next batch. Enjoy and Shana Tova!Here is a link to the Guardian cartoon that Calev mentions. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben W

  • Should Israel Do More to Support Ukraine?

    15/09/2023 Duration: 32min

    Should Israel Do More to Support Ukraine?Israel faces a complex dilemma when it comes to supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. On one hand, Israel maintains strong historical ties with Russia, particularly regarding the Russian-speaking Jewish community. Russia has also been a key player in regional stability, particularly in Syria, where Israel has concerns about Iranian influence. Israel has generally tried to maintain a delicate balancing act between the United States and Russia, its two major allies, to safeguard its security interests.On the other hand, Israel has historically supported the principle of territorial integrity and the right to self-determination, which are central issues in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Israel itself has faced challenges related to territorial disputes and self-determination, making it sensitive to these issues. Furthermore, Israel's relationship with the United States, which is a strong supporter of Ukraine in this conflict, can put pressure on Israel to take a c

  • Drafting the Haredim into the IDF

    08/09/2023 Duration: 23min

    Haredi DraftThe debate over drafting the Haredim, or ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel, has been a contentious issue in the country for several decades. At its core, the debate revolves around the question of whether or not Haredi men should be subject to compulsory military service like the rest of the Israeli population. This issue stems from a historical exemption granted to the Haredi community, dating back to the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. The exemption was intended to encourage Haredi religious study, which is a central pillar of their way of life. However, over the years, this has sparked significant debate, with proponents arguing that it is necessary for a more equitable distribution of the burden of military service in Israel, while opponents claim that mandatory military service would undermine Haredi religious traditions and values.This debate is complex and multifaceted, touching on issues of religion, state, and citizenship. It reflects the broader tension in Israeli societ

  • Can Israel Have a Constitution?

    01/09/2023 Duration: 26min

    Can Israel Have a Constitution? Israel’s Declaration of Independence calls for a “Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948...". It doesn’t look like we’re going to make the deadline. The current judicial reform crisis exists because of that. So too the current crisis over the role of the Attorney General. There simply aren’t agreed upon rules of the road for how governance and legislation should take place. Of course, not all countries have constitutions. Should Israel have one? Could Israel successfully create one even if we wanted to?Matt hosts this debate between Calev that an Israeli constitution is unnecessary and unlikely, and Mike who argues that it is both needed and likely. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review,

  • The Apartheid Accusation

    25/08/2023 Duration: 29min

    ApartheidType the word “apartheid” into a google search bar and the second search that pops up is “apartheid Israel”. We’ve all heard the accusation. It is also a demonstrably false descriptor for the State of Israel. This ridiculous calumny may make a nasty sound-bite sized accusation. But for anyone genuinely trying to understand the conflict, it clearly fails to explain anything in an honest way. But this podcast has a debate format! So after explaining why the above paragraph is true, our team still finds something for Zionists to argue about. Is the term “apartheid” useful at all to describe life in the West Bank? After all, the approximately half a million Jews who live there as Israeli citizens under Israeli law, lead very different lives from the approximately two and half million Arabs who are citizens of nothing and live under the Palestinian Authority and Israeli military law. Liel hosts this debate between Calev who argues that in certain narrow contexts the term isn’t entirely unhelpful, and Mike

  • Is There a Future for the Jewish Diaspora?

    20/08/2023 Duration: 43min

    Is There a Future for the Jewish Diaspora? Jews have been living outside of the land of Israel for thousands of years. It is a historical truth that this process started by enemies driving them into exile. But these diaspora communities settled in, expanded, and continued to migrate around the globe for over two millennia. In the 20th century, Jews chose two strategies for building a thriving Jewish future. One approach was to create and live in a Jewish State. The State of Israel was founded by people who believed that ultimately there would be no future for Jews in the Diaspora. The changes of modernity, they argued, meant that the exile must end for the Jews to survive into the future. Only by creating a State of Jews, by Jews and for Jews, could thriving Jewish life and communities be sustained. The other approach was to build Jewish communities in tolerant Western Democracies. This approach assumes that Diaspora Jewish life will be safe as long as minority rights and freedom of religion continue to funct

  • Herzl vs. Ahad Ha’am

    11/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    Herzl vs. Ahad Ha’amThere is an old saying that “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” We deeply believe that knowing the history of Zionist debate brings a richness of perspective and understanding to the issues that we face today. So we submit for your approval one of the first deep debates that divided the Zionist world. In past episodes when we’ve mentioned Ahad Ha’am in passing, listeners have contacted us to know who he was. But before Herzl, he was arguably the intellectual leader of the Zionist movement. Then Herzl published “The Jewish State” and began the Zionist Congress, becoming the undisputed center of all Zionist energy. Ahad Ha’am wasn’t shy about explaining what he considered to be Herzl’s wrongheadedness. What was the disagreement? How has history proven their positions to be right or wrong? How and why are they still so relevant to today’s Israel? Matt explains the Herzl position, and Mike presents Ahad Ha’am. Our special guest host this week is the young scholar Avigayil Un

  • Does Israel Need America?

    04/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    Does Israel Need America? Everyone knows that Israel and America have a strong relationship. As allies their economic, political, military, and cultural ties are deeply rooted. It remains so across multiple administrations in each of the countries. But is America a necessary ally for Israel? What would happen if that relationship changed? Could Israel survive and thrive if for some reason it lost America as an ally? Matt hosts and frames the discussion, and Mike and Calev debate the issue. Calev argues that America is an indispensable ally, and Mike argues that it isn’t. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.

  • Where are we now, after the "Reasonableness" vote?

    28/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    Note: This is the beginning of season 9, which is season 2 of our new debate format! We decided to get this episode published in a timely fashion. Normally, our debates are meant to be “evergreen” educational discussions about Israel and Zionism. But we’re breaking the format because so many people are asking how to process the Knesset vote this week. What does the removal of the unreasonableness grounds mean for the Supreme Court? For Israeli law, Democracy and society? How should we understand where we are now? What should we expect for the future?Calev hosts and frames the discussion, and Mike and Liel debate whether to be optimistic or pessimistic in this difficult time of division. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.

  • Season 2 is Coming!

    26/07/2023 Duration: 01min

    We are excited to announce the upcoming second season of our new debate format! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsiteFacebook pagePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.

  • How Should Diaspora Jews Express their Ideas About Israeli Politics?

    27/04/2023 Duration: 28min

    How Should Diaspora Jews Express their Ideas About Israeli Politics?Note: This is the end of the season and our podcast will be on a brief hiatus. Keep subscribed for season 9! There are several factors that can make it complicated for diaspora Jews to express their opinions on Israeli politics. Here are a few:Lack of firsthand experience: Diaspora Jews may not have firsthand experience living in Israel or the Palestinian territories, which can make it difficult to fully understand the complexities of the political situation. They also don’t share the heaviest burdens or pay the heaviest costs of living in Israel.Fear of alienation: Expressing opinions that are contrary to the dominant narrative within the Jewish community can lead to feelings of alienation or ostracism.There may be pressure from within the Jewish community to conform to a particular political viewpoint on Israel, which can make it difficult for individuals to express their own opinion.Perceived lack of influence: Some diaspora Jews may feel

  • Should Israeli Reserve Soldiers Refuse to Serve, as a Form of Protest?

    20/04/2023 Duration: 23min

    Should Israeli Reserve Soldiers Refuse to Serve as Protests?The protests against Judicial Reform have continued on a smaller scale over the past weeks. With Passover behind us, and the national holiday season underway, Israelis are gearing up for whatever is coming next. One aspect of the protests in particular has been hotly debated. Should reservist soldiers refuse to perform their duties (“miluim’ in Hebrew) as a form of protest? Over the course of the past few months, this has been a growing phenomenon. Historically, the military has been supposed to be entirely apolitical. This is partly because in a Democracy the military protects the people, it doesn’t rule them. But it is also because national security is an issue that is so existential that it is dangerous to allow the military to take sides in political debates of any kind.What about the current debate has caused it to spill into withholding of service by the IDF’s most loyal soldiers? And more to the point, are they doing more harm or good with thi

  • Israel's Nation State Law

    30/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Nation State LawIsrael's Nation-State Law, also known as the Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, was passed by the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, in July 2018. The law enshrines Israel as a Jewish state and makes Hebrew the country's official language, while downgrading Arabic from an official language to one with "special status."The debate over the Nation-State Law has been largely divided along political and ideological lines. Supporters of the law argue that it is necessary to strengthen Israel's Jewish identity and protect its cultural and religious heritage. They argue that it is a symbolic law that does not infringe on the rights of non-Jewish citizens and that it simply reinforces the fact that Israel was created as a Jewish homeland.Opponents of the law argue that it undermines the democratic nature of the state and discriminates against Israel's Arab minority, which makes up about 20% of the population. They argue that the law sends a message that non-Jewish citizens are se

  • Is Israeli Democracy in Existential Danger?

    23/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    Is Israeli Democracy in Existential Danger?Once again, we turned to Chat GPT and asked a simple question. “Does the current judicial reform crisis mean that Israeli democracy is coming to an end?”Here’s the essential parts of it's answer: As an AI language model, I strive to remain impartial and avoid making predictions about political developments. However, I can provide some background information on the ongoing judicial reform crisis in Israel and its potential implications for Israeli democracy.In recent years, there has been ongoing debate and controversy in Israel over attempts to reform the country's judiciary. Some critics of the judiciary argue that it is overly activist and unaccountable, and that it wields too much power over the other branches of government. They have called for various reforms, including limiting the power of the Supreme Court and allowing the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) to overrule the court's decisions.However, many defenders of the judiciary argue that it is a crucial saf

  • Do we wish for an Exceptional or a Normal state?

    16/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    Do we wish for an Exceptional or Normal state?What do we hope for when we consider the Jewish State? Let’s consider our National Anthem:“As long as deep in the heart,The soul of a Jew yearns,And forward to the EastTo Zion, an eye looksOur hope will not be lost,The hope of two thousand years,To be a free nation in our land,The land of Zion and Jerusalem.”Is that hope to become a free nation like all others, or to become an exceptional lofty nation? I suppose it depends who you ask. Ben-Gurion is often quoted as having said, “When Israel has prostitutes and thieves, we’ll be a state just like any other.” There is no question that a goal of Modern Political Zionism was to achieve for the Jews no more than any other nation deserves, but surely no less. But for many, the Jewish State is obligated to become exceptional. It isn’t a new idea. It's literally Biblical.  It goes at least as far back as Isaiah 42:6, who prophesied, "I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and s

  • Should the IDF End the Draft?

    09/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Should the IDF end the draft?Polling over the last few years shows growing support among Israelis for a professional, rather than a conscripted army. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has had a mandatory conscription policy since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. All Israeli citizens, with few exceptions, are required to serve in the IDF for a period of 2-3 years for men, and 2 years for women, after reaching the age of 18. So why, in recent years, has there been a growing debate over whether Tzahal should continue its draft policy?One argument is that the current system is unfair and discriminatory. Some argue that certain groups, such as ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arab Israelis, are exempt from the draft or are not required to serve for the full term, creating a sense of inequality and resentment. Others argue that the draft unfairly targets certain groups, such as low-income families, who may not have the same resources to support their children through their military service.Another argument ag

  • Is there still a chance for a two-state solution?

    02/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    Is there still a chance for a two-state solution?For the last nine decades, whenever outsiders looked at the conflict between Jews and Arabs between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea, they have come up with the same idea. Since both people have claims to the land, it will need to be split. A two-state solution refers to the idea of establishing two independent states for Israelis and Palestinians, respectively, living side by side within recognized borders. This usually means creating an independent Palestinian state in the territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, alongside the State of Israel. The two states would have their own governments, laws, and security forces, and would coexist peacefully and diplomatically, recognizing each other's sovereignty and right to exist.Of course, no such thing has ever existed. The specific details of how such a solution would be implemented remain subject to ongoing debate and disagreement between the two sides and the international community. We can imagine

  • Are Jews Indigenous to Israel?

    23/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    Are Jews Indigenous to Israel?There are still some things you can Google, but now we also have Chat GPT.When we looked on google to define indigenous peoplehood, it said it means “inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists.”Does this concept apply to Jews in Israel?There are two ways to address this question. One is simply to answer it. The other is to question its relevance. It feels like it's important and relevant to the Zionist cause, but is it really? Does it actually matter? Well, we wondered what chat GPT had to say about this question’s relevance. Here’s some of what it answered: “The debate over Jewish indigeneity to the land of Israel has significant implications for politics, society, and culture in the region and beyond. Some possible implications of this debate include:Political Conflict: The question of Jewish indigeneity is closely tied to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The idea that Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel has b

  • The Judicial Reform Debate

    16/02/2023 Duration: 25min

    The Israeli Judicial Reform DebateThis is certainly the most divisive topic in current Israeli politics. While many thousands protest every week, supporters call those protesters anarchists. We recorded this episode before all of the plan’s specifics were announced, we certainly called the issues correctly. This debate has been ongoing for several years, but is now reaching a crisis point. The main issue at the center of the debate is the balance of power between the legislative and judicial branches of government. Proponents of judicial reform argue that the current system gives the judiciary too much power, and that it needs to be reined in to prevent it from overstepping its bounds. They argue that the current system has resulted in a lack of accountability and has allowed the judiciary to interfere in areas that should be the purview of the legislature.On the other hand, opponents of judicial reform argue that the judiciary is an essential check on the power of the legislature, and that limiting its power

  • Trailer: We're coming back with a new format!

    16/02/2023 Duration: 01min

    New episodes on the way!Our new season is coming before you know it. We've reformatted in light of a different podcast landscape then when we started, back in 2016. (There are more options now for Israeli headlines in english)As educators, we decided that working out various issues that affect Israeli life, culture and politics is our strength. We thought it would be fun to take turns debating these topics in an informal way. Issues like judicial reform, the Nation-State law and the viability of a Two State solution are coming to your feed over the next six weeks.Let us know what you think of the new format, and please request topics for us to uncover.This episode was edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Masa WebsiteFacebook pagePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.If you have further questions about Israel, please feel free to contact your Masa teacher.

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