Huntsman Hill

EP203: The Year in Music 2022



Now two years removed from the height of the COVD-19 pandemic, 2022 finally saw a return to normalcy and that included an abundant year in music.  Live shows were back in full swing, records were recorded with band members actually in the same room together and acoustic bedroom performances on Instagram slowed down considerably.  Our seventh annual Year End episode reflects all of this and indicates that our voracious appetite for all things music (including the music itself) has not waned a bit.  Our respective Best Of ’22 lists include some of the best shows we attended, our favorite albums released this year, old artists we've only recently discovered, great books we've read and in Glenn’s case even an entire music scene.  It all indicates that we still can’t get enough music and can’t wait to hear what we’ll get into in the coming year.  Happy New Year y’all.     RIP Bob Nalbandian Spotify Playlis