Planned Solutions

Foreign Stocks Outperform US Stocks



In this episode of the Planned Solutions Incorporated Podcast, Foreign stocks have outperformed US stocks by 12% over the past two months. This represents a major shift from what has been a long and fairly consistent period of higher returns from US stocks. This recent shift in returns is partially explained by a weakening US dollar compared to other major currencies. However, foreign stocks also appear to offer more attractive valuations than US stocks at this time. Also, The pace of existing home sales has plummeted in the US as higher interest rates have made homes less affordable for many buyers. However, prices have remained resilient, increasing 3.5% year-over-year. This shows a disconnect in the housing market as demand wanes but sellers are choosing to stay put rather than reduce the price, they will accept for their home leading to fewer and fewer completed sales. And, With interest rates continuing to rise it is important for households to make some changes to their spending patterns. The buy no