Frame Trap

Frame Trap - Episode 24 "Losing Ourselves in Zelda"



Today on Frame Trap, Ben, Bloodworth, and Ian have numerous stories to share from their time at GDC. Huber has been plowing through big recent releases such as Horzion Zero Dawn and Yakuza 0. The truth is, however, that the entire panel really just wants to play as much Zelda as they possibly can. TIMESTAMPS 06:08 - What has Bloodworth been playing/what did he do at GDC? (ID@Xbox, Yooka-Laylee, Genesis, Formula Fusion, Snake Pass, Seaman panel, Oregon Trail panel) 49:12 - What has Ian been playing/what did he do at GDC? (Salt & Sanctuary panel, Reigns panel, The Gallery: Episode 2 - Heart of Emberstone, Absolver, Snipperclips) 01:05:39 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild discussion 01:39:41 - What has Huber been playing? (Gwent, Yakuza 0, Horzion Zero Dawn) 02:03:55 - What has Ben been playing? (Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, SteamWorld Dig 2) 02:12:23 - HOTTAKE: How can Microsoft impress us at E3? 02:27:00 - Emails