Heroes Rise

Heroes Rise two hundred and thirty second entry: The Tavern Tales



Welcome, brave adventurers, to Heroes Rise. This is the 232nd entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday January 7th 2023, and released Wednesday January 11th 2023 over at heroesrisepodcast.com.Unfortunately Ostron can’t join us this week. According to his vacation request he has to, quote “attend a wild party”... Wait, that can’t be right… Maybe he meant a “wild-magic party”? That still doesn’t seem right… Anyway, playing the role of “guy who ruins everyone’s fun” tonight is Tony from our sister-show, Guard Frequency.In this week’s Adventurer’s Pack, Ryu shows us a new (Android) app she’s chatting withNext we check out some D&D News as we take a look at the OneD&D Cleric and Species Playtest, and since there’s a lawyer on the show we thought it would be a waste to not at least touch on the OGL 1.1 controversy. Well, *I* thought it would be a waste, anyway…After that we’ll take a Short Rest and hear some Wisdom of the Masters on why everybody’s getting a gun (it’s not related to having a lawyer on