Debate This!

Ep. 114: Atomic Purple Malarkey Maker



We're kicking off season 6 with a monumental task. Listen, we don't just say, "yes!" to everything that is asked of us here at ol' DT!HQ, but when your country comes a-callin', you must answer. IRL President Joey Bides dropped a line to the DT! Marketing Department to ask for help with the most patriotic of problems: The rebranding of America. That's right everyone. The Red, White, and Blue are so two thousand and late that Joey Bides wants us to pick a new color to usher forth a revitalized American Spirit. That said, he wants us to pick a color from a very specific list--the list of N64 controller colors. Welcome to the State of the DT!HQ. Set your DVR for C-SPAN as we answer the age old question: What color of N64 controller is the best? Every debate needs its chump answer, and Kyle is here to tell you it's not Atomic Purple. Andrew yearns for the absolute radness of the 1990s while he reminisces about Extreme Green. Matt plants his flag with the 99% and gives the most accessible, albeit the most boring an