Taxi Tv

MUSIC PRODUCER New Year's RESOLUTIONS For 2023 [FREE Microphone Giveaway!]



We’re super excited to be broadcasting our first LIVE episode since The Road Rally, and we promise to help you make 2023 your most productive year yet! Most of us make New Year’s resolutions, but statistically, 90% of resolutions are just words without actions. It’s easy to resolve that you’re going to lose weight in the coming year, but hard to avoid ordering a delicious pizza when you don’t feel like cooking and doing dishes. It’s easy to say you’re going to create more and better music this coming year, but it’s hard to put down your phone and ignore TikTok. This week’s show is going to give you some solid, actionable steps to help you kick your music career into high gear in 2023! Win a Microphone! The good folks at Warm Audio sent us an awesome 512 Audio, Skylight, large diaphragm condenser microphone, and we’re going to give it away during this week’s TAXI TV! You’ll need to be in the chatroom during the live broadcast to have a shot at winning!