American Snippets

Benghazi Was Just A Beginning with Kris Paronto



Who can ever forget the hubris of Hillary Clinton, as she sat before the world and spat out in exasperation, “ ..What difference at this point does it make?!” That moment was enough for us all to understand that the four Americans who died in Benghazi, as well as those who survived, were now just a nuisance in the eyes of the government. Or at least, in the eyes of the people holding power in the government. None of the survivors expected a parade or medals, but they certainly deserved both. And yet, instead, what they got was disdain and contempt from the people whose political careers mattered more than the lives they used to advance themselves. It’s no wonder that they felt a need to tell the world what really happened that night. But the aftermath of the blockbuster moving and best-selling book about those 13 hours swept them up in a whirlwind that knocked Kris “Tanto” Paronto off his path. For him, it was the beginning of a series of events that altered his life completely.In this episode, Kris Paronto t