Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

The "Formed." Series Starts THIS WEEK!



I’m really excited to tell you about a brand-new series coming to the podcast this week and running through the entire month of February. It’s called “Formed,” in which every episode will be focused on spiritual formation. Joining us for “Formed”: Richard Foster Jamie Winship Ruth Haley Barton John Bevere Anthony Skinner Chris Hodges …and more. Transformation is the singular focus of my work and my passion for you. Transformation in your spirit, soul, and body. Transformation that beats self-help all day long. So here’s what I want you to do: if you don’t yet follow the podcast, do so right now, wherever you listen to your podcasts. And then, share this trailer with one person right now. Just one person who you believe will be encouraged, challenged, and equipped by this new series to live a life marked by transformation and wholeness. I’m excited about what’s ahead here on Win Today, and I look forward to being with you this week as we begin a brand-new podcast series called "Formed" with a true hero, Rich