Business Conversations With Clive Enever

How to charge what you're worth (and get it)



As business owners we've all been there, working out what to charge for our services. And the reality is the majority of business owners are under charging. So how do you know you're charging what you're worth? In this Business Conversations podcast, coach and "Money and Marketing" champion Kathleen Ann explains how both your money mindset and marketing strategy affect how you approach charging for your services. Kathleen Ann and I discuss: •How to slay your money dragons •How to get market ready •How to streamline your services so you can work less and have time for a life A corporate escapee, Kathleen Ann is the Founder of 'Power Up Your Marketing' and holds multiple money and marketing coach certifications. Kathleen works with service-based women business owners to help them create and grow financially successful businesses based around their passion and unique brilliance. A multi-award winner, a certified coach, speaker, published author, and workshop leader, her marketing expertise and insight