Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

THC Drives Most Benefit From Weed Use



Vidcast: ttps://youtu.be/ZflFG8eshQg Of the two chief components of marijuana, the THC, the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol, appears to drive a greater overall therapeutic effect compared to CBD, the cannabidiol.  This new information comes from the University of New Mexico and studies employing the cannabis tracking smartphone app ReLeaf. The app gathered some 20,000 user sessions over 3 years. It digitally associates relief of various symptoms with the use of particular cannabis products that each have differing THC and CBD  concentrations.   The tabulated data reveals that those products with more THC did a superior job  relieving a variety of symptoms.  The pattern of symptom relief from THC suggested that its superiority did not stem from merely getting high. Keep in mind that everyone responds to THC ad CBD in different ways.  You should try each for any particular issue you may have.  Then you can use free app ReLeaf to determine which works best for you. As with any drug, use weed in moderation real