Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

US Drug Overdoses Higher Than Other Wealthy Nations



Vidcast: https://youtu.be/oNGOsHFbQDA The rate of drug overdose deaths in the US is 27 times higher than those in Italy and Japan and twice as high as those for Finland and Sweden who have the highest rates next to ours.   A review from the USC also warns that our 3.5 times higher drug overdose death rate is lowering Americans’ average life expectancy compared with other industrialized and wealthy nations.  At present, Americans live more than 2.5 fewer years on average compared with those in other high-income countries. You no doubt know that there is a national campaign against opioid use.  You can do your part by only requesting and using non-narcotic pain medications after injuries or surgery.  If you do require narcotics or know someone who does, be certain to have a supply of the antidote Narcan on hand in the event an overdose occurs. #drugoverdose #opioids #narcotics #drug deaths #healthnews  Jessica Y. Ho. The Contemporary American Drug Overdose Epidemic in International Perspective. Population and D