Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Open Lines; Eye Problems - Dr. HowardSmith - WBZ-AM - 010390



Scoped show originally broadcast on WBZ-AM on 09/08/1991. First Hour — Open Lines Mike- Hives; ? Reaction to citrus. Fran - Joint pain from menopause?; pros and cons of estrogen replacement therapy following menopause. James - Seizures TOPS - taking off pounds sensibly Christy - having twins —) book winner Second Hour. — Doctor Your Eyes Guest: Ann Bajart MD, Cornea Specialist, Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School Mass. Eye and Ear Info Line:617-573-3340 Myths about Eyes 1. Kids will outgrow crossed eye: FALSE—treatment is necessary to reprogram the child’s brain circuitry to move the eye properly and permit normal development of visual pathways. 2. Sitting too close to the TV will harm the eyes: FALSE but sitting too close can expose the brain to radiation from old style CRT tubes rather than LED or LCD models. 3. Computer terminals cause miscarriages: FALSE but they can cause dry eye from staring. 4. Cataracts can grow back: FALSE. They do not reform. Ellen — conjunctivitis Alison — 8 year ol