

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you knew how seldom they do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt Today's topic is unexpectedly enlightening: Nobody cares. Nobody cares — and that's a good thing. This subject was triggered by a book that was a joy to read called "Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life," by William Finnegan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker columnist who chronicles his surfing adventures. At one point, worried about people finding out he was a "dumb surfer," he eventually came to the conclusion that "apparently, nobody cared." Whether it's beliefs we carry around or perceptions of ourselves we strive to shape in the minds of others, the truth of the matter is, nobody really cares.  MG once wrote a book, "The Three C's of Success," under a pen name, thinking, "Who am I to be writing about success?" Ultimately, he shouldn't have bothered with the pen name—nobody was judging. Stephen King wrote a book under a pseudonym "Richard Bachman" because of a publisher's concern that he was being t