Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's February 12, 2023 Weekly Weather



A week of endings.  Uranus on the world point!  We move towards a New Moon in Pisces next Monday, releasing, releasing, releasing.  Lots of ending.  On a world axis, we had Chinese balloons and the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Ooodles of new activity this week as all planets are moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius.  Mid week, Mercury squares the nodes of fate, asking you to make choices. Fying high in Aquarius, head for your dreams. . You'll feel the energy shift as Mars reports to Mercury and suddenly he become airborn too.  Sun meets Saturn and ends things. They or you have known this day is coming.  Well it is here.  Make choices that enhance your life.  Endings that signify time for new beginnings are many this week.  Venus exalted in Pisces meets up with Neptune to bring her energy of love to the new dream.  Sun enters Pisces for his last sign of the season.  Dream time!   Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemi