Debate This!

Ep. 116: A Cloaca is A Cloaca (ft. Jennasis)



Happy Valentine's Day freaks! Look, I'm just going to say it up front, this is the horniest episode we've released in approximately 47 episodes. If you're not cool with that, then get out now. But if you are cool with that, my co-hosts and I saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe. It's all love here folks, and to prove it, we're crafting some new love interests. Today's debate asks which video game boss encounter would make the best romance option. The answer, as always, may surprise you. It's one of those episodes where Andrew boils the noun soup that is Final Fantasy. Kyle talks about forbidden love and Matt says the word "goo" a lot. Obviously, the DT! boys aren't exactly kings of romance, so we called in a ringer this week. Jennasis from the Two Girls, One Ship Podcast answered the call and we're sure glad she did! Recommended reading: Special thanks to Jennasis for joining us on Debate This! today! You should check out Jennasis's stuff! She's one half of two different podcasts. One is c