Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 031 - Multiple Sclerosis and the Science of Sleep with Tamara Sellman



Our guest today is Tamara Sellman. Although Tamara has Multiple Sclerosis, she is also a medical board-certified sleep technologist and a medical board-certified sleep educator. And it's her professional life which is the main focus of this fascinating conversation. Topics covered include: The fact that, although people with MS are likely to develop sleep disorders, it's not always the fault of MS! How Tamara's own sleep disorder eventually led to her MS diagnosis What sleep does and why it's so important - and not just for people with MS The different stages of sleep and how much we need The cleaning crew in our brains! Support which is available through Tamara's website SleepyHeadCentral.com and elsewhere … and so much more!  Resources mentioned in this episode (clickable links): Beam n Read hands-free travel & reading light Swannies light filtering glasses Twitter: https://twitter.com/SleepyHeadCtrl Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepyheadcentral/ LinkedIn: https://www.lin