Richard Vasquez Podcast




1.HowSoonIsNow - TheSmiths.JohnPorter.Morrissey.JohnnyMarr (RoughTrade) 2.RidersOnTheStorm – Doors (Elektra) 3.Tatoo - Siouxsie&TheBanshees 4.Alive&Kicking - SimpleMinds 5.BeingBoiled - HumanLeague 6.LetMeGo - Heaven17 7.GimmeShelter – SistersOfMercy 8.SuchAShame – TalkTalk 9.EverythingCounts - DepecheMode 10.SmakesCrawl - BushTetras 11.WalkingOnThinIce - YokoOno. 12.HomeComputer – Kraftwerk 13.Don'tGo – 14.GreenEyes - NewOrder Save The Robots was an after hours club, located at Avenue B and 3 Street, in the East Vilage, New York City in the Eighties and into the Nineties. There was never anything like it then and has never been anything like it since.It's interior was painted by Dom Blonde. Its floors were made of beach sand. "Robots" was frequented by drag performers, musicians, club kids, employees of other bars and clubs, skinheads and other denizens of downtown New York nightlife, You will have to go to the FB page to get an idea of why it was so special. But to put it in a nutshell...