Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

270. Paul Austin: Mastering the Skill of Psychedelics



Oh, man! I have been wanting for so long to have someone on the podcast to give us a deep dive on how to safely get started integrating psychedelics into your daily life and now it is here! Paul Austin is a coach, author, and entrepreneur who is a dedicated pioneer when it comes to teaching others the skill of safe psychedelic use. He is the founder of,which is one of the leading websites that advocates for the safe integration of psychedelics into your life. He believes that through clear intentions, mentorship, and exploration, anyone can master this skill and it can help with your future evolution. I know you all know that I’m a big proponent of psychedelic use, having used it for mental health, creativity, expansion, and life fulfillment myself, so this was an absolute dream having Paul on the show. An overview of everything we explored:Psychedelics are a skill and what that actually means The difference between psychedelics and pharmaceuticals What you need to look out