Geek Salad

Episode 234: Soundtrack for Working at Whalom Park (Side B)



Well, you’ve flipped the album over, and now it’s time to hear Geek Salad’s picks for their favorite albums of 1993! There’s an incredible blend, from country, to humor, to alt rock, to the mummified remains of Aerosmith! Rock on!!!! Geek Salad is available at, or can be subscribed to at the iTunes store by using keyword “geek salad.”  Geek Salad is also part of the Stitcher family, as well as being available on Spotify, iHeart Radio and the Google Music app!  Download the apps for your Android, or  iPhone at! Also, check out the Podbean App where you can stream and download the entire Geek Salad archive right from your Android or iPhone!  You can get the app at either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store!  Want Geek Salad swag?  Check out our new store on Tee Public, where you can get t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and so much other stuff!!!  Shop here! Geek Salad episodes are now also available to stream on YouTube.  “Like” and Subscribe to their channel at Geek