The Regan Hillyer Show

33 Million Dollars in 10 Months?



Hello wonderful humans! Surpassing 33 Million in 10 months? Sounds impossible, huh? Join me as I discuss with the amazingly wonderful Suzy Ashworth of Infinite Receiving about being in the space and mindset to receive this incredible milestone, what it felt like, the alchemy around the moment, and how this aligns with my vision. We talk about being a multi-dimensional identity, with the ability to shapeshift and serve my community, owning your shiny-ness and taking your stand, and being an inspiration for others. And how it feels to cross the threshold of 33 million dollars without getting stuck at the moment and the energy around celebrating milestones. We discuss the alignment of the frequency of overflow and the frequency and the energetics of rippling into the circles of service and consciousness. During this precious conversation, we discuss wealth, success, love, the world's state, and mission. Also, about energetic conditioning, confusion, self-sabotaging, and undoing the ‘making it hard’ to uncomp