On The Blue Line Podcast

Introduction to On the Blue Line | Monday Morning Roll Call 002



Welcome to Monday Morning Roll Call | Episode 002 A new Monday Morning Roll Call is released every Monday Morning and provides a short overview format of issues that matter to you and provides encouragement for the week ahead.  In this episode: We provide an introduction to On the Blue Line and what our mission is all about. We discuss the importance of combating cynicism in law enforcement. We discuss stress in law enforcement and consider the difference between internal and external stressors. We consider leaderships role in decreasing internal stress for those under their command. We talk about what suffers in our personal life when we dedicate all of our time to the career while neglecting our life away from the badge.  Finally, we encourage each of us to begin focusing on our life outside of law enforcement and realize that who we are is different than what we do! Your opinion matters! Please leave comments and feedback on whatever media you are listening to this show. This show is for you the listener