Mystic Witch

EP52 - Brujx Feminism - Lorraine Monteagut



Author of the vital work "Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color" Lorraine Monteagut PHD joins us to discuss Brujx feminism and it's important role in how feminism has evolved in recent years. In this episode she explains the necessity of Brujx feminsm, but also touches a bit on closed practices and why it's important to respect them, her lecture topic at the 2023 Botanica Obscura Conference at 12PM on March 18th, and some of her other projects she is working on for the future. If you'd like to hear her speak about Plant Folklore of the Global South at the Botanica Obscura Conference as the very first speaker of the week long event with 32 other incredible practitioners, you can purchase tickets here: Botanica Obscura Conference Tickets Lorraine is truly one of the most thoughtful people I have ever had the pleasure of interviewing, and she sets a shining example in the strength and power of her humility to that of which the rest of us should aspire to. In this episode she also shares a very personal