Angel Invest Boston

Jay DeVivo - A Keen Eye for Risk



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More   Jay DeVivo’s angel investing ranges far from his insurance background. Here we discuss his involvement with startups such as Hubly Surgical, FleetNurse, and ApprentiScope. Fun chat with a lively guest.   Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson.   Highlights:   Sal Daher Introduces Jay DeVivo Hubly Surgical "... The advantage for Hubly is that doctors don't need to learn any new skills. It's pressing a button and in fact, there'll be a wider swath of clinicians that'll be able to use it than can use the current hand crank drill..." FleetNurse "... See, that's the thing with Angel investors. They may be new to Angel Investing, they're not new to business..." ApprentiScope How Jay DeVivo Came to Angel Investing "... It's really tough as an investor because you're not controlling things. You're along for the ride..." Jay's Career Journey "... Later on, I did some strategy work for larger companies as well. I starte