Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Amne Ortelee's February 26, 2023 Weekly Weather



A week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings.  Uranus on the world point!  Uranus receiving aspects from Moon on a world point. Mercury meets up with Saturn in Aquarius and dives into the swirling waters of Pisces. Mercury in Pisces, takes Mars in Gemini with him and all the Aries planets suddenly have Mercury in silent water to contend with. Venus meets up with Jupiter and Chiron in her annual journey of connection and healing. .   Action and stress as a new cycle starts.  Lots of endings.   Lots of fiery, war energy at the beginning of the week which shifts into emotional turbulence at the end of the week. Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius and emotional, emoting watery Pisces.   Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, and Lilith in Leo!   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and interna