Machine Learning

Bible imagery - Freedom of religion



The public schools should provide both concepts of evolution and the creation theology to their students. The students should be free to read and quote the Holy Bible in school. Comparative analysis of both theories should be allowed. Evolution is not a fact, it is a theory. Evolution should be subject to scrutiny and critical thought, not accepted and taught as truth. The merits of creation should be debated and discussed in school, as well. The academic pursuit of knowledge and religious tolerance does not establish religion. The government is not to establish a religion. The court applied this standard to people deflecting the real intent of the Establishment clause. Individuals should be free to choose the religion of their choice based on the free market of ideas and doctrines. Prayer and religious discussion were not issues to be applied by the Establishment clause. Individuals have the power to establish religion. Individuals can choose which religion, religions or none of them to support. Tha