Machine Learning

Bible imagery - return of the ancient sky



Myths and legends surrounding an ancient Saturn are embedded in archaeology artifacts and historical documents. Saturn was personified and named Kronos by the Greeks; Shamash Enki-Ea and Tammuz by the Babylonians; Re (or Ra), Ptah, Temu, Atum or Osiris by the Egyptians; Moloch by the Phoenicians; Brahma and Satyavrata by the Hindus, Quetzalcoatl, Tlaloc, Ce-acatl, and Huracan by the Mayas, and El or Eloah by the Hebrews. Saturn has a Latin name “Stella Solis” meaning “Sun Star.” Earth was an actual satellite of Saturn (“The Saturn Myth” by David N. Talbot). Talbot proposed, “Saturn – fixed at the celestial pole – loomed massively overhead, a central sun venerated by all mankind,” “A polar sun,” “Primeval sun,” “Terrifying splendor,” “A visual pivoting of the heavens,” and it provided a symbol of “Order to the heavens.” The earth would have shared the same axis of rotation with Saturn at a fixed position directly above the earth, and so Saturn would appear to neither rise nor set. “Saturn’s immobility is in