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Energy 1.0 black light power 250 megawatt power plants



The Rayney catalyst causes the atomic hydrogen to drop to a lower energy level forming a hydrino. The net energy released my be 100 times the energy of fossil fuel. Water as fuel. The technology is being applied to heating and electricity production. In Dec 2008, Black light power licensed Estacado too produce gross thermal power up to a maximum continuous capacity of 250 MW or convert this thermal power to corresponding electricity Jan 2009, Black light power licensed Electric Cooperative, Inc. of New Mexico, to use Blacklight power for the production of thermal or electric power up to a maximum continuous capacity of 250 MW or convert this termal power to corresponding electricity Blacklight power completed a “successful independent replication and validation of its 1,000 watt and 50,000 watt reactors based on its proprietary new clean energy technology.” On October 20, 2008, BLPI made a statement that Peter Jansson of Rowan University had completed a three month test of their reactors and validated excess