Machine Learning

why criticize a stock index and attempt to find stocks and make them more diversified



Most people don't have the time or skill to look at dozens of different stocks and have the knowledge to know what they are doing So they should just buy an index fund The average person doesn't have a lot of stock choices It's not like they can make high risk bets on Asian stocks or European stocks Also, the average person doesn't really have the time to research stocks I mean you can do it but unless you are an investor of some sort for a living or you have nothing else to do but read about stocks then you probably don't have the time to do it So I'm going to be honest here I think the average person should just buy an index fund The average person doesn't have the time or knowledge to choose stocks The same goes for gold and other precious metals The average person should just buy an index fund It should be noted that I'm not saying the average person should never buy individual stocks or gold I'm saying that most of the time for most people it's better to invest in an index fund A lot of peo