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Energy 1.0 lmt crossfire fusion reactor 10x7 ft



How the Crossfire Fusion reactor uses helium 3 Fact: 1. The ingredients for fusion are deuterium, tritium, and isotopes of Helium 2. Electrons are shared between atoms 3. Deutrium + He3 -> proton(14.7 MeV) + He4 (3.7 MeV) + 18.4 MeV (Mass converted to energy) 4. A Deuterium + He3 reactor is optimal at 100 KeV. Crossfire fusion reactor: Electrons go to the ground and positive ions are accelerated in an electrostatic way against a negative potential. Meaning little power is required to reach a great kinetic energy (600 KeV for Boron hydrid). The Crossfire reactor uses a superconductor magnet 4.5 tesla to focus confinement; a superconducting magnet for exhausting plasma, a dielectric mirror for reflecting electromagnetic waves back to plasma. Plasma positive ion will attract electrons from neutralizers. The system will receive energy from plasma allowing the flux of electrons from ground to positive potential. The system will transfer energy to plasma pulling electrons from ground to negative potential. (Refere