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Energy 1.0 Energetics super wave breakthroughs in fusion



Energetics new cold fusion, superwave technology, and history Fact: 1. In 2005 water left at room temperature two days earlier had boiled for more than five hours 2. Energetics Technologies saw evidence that 25 times more electric energy was being released than had been put in. Low energy nuclear reaction began to look promising. 3. Naval Research laboratories loaded microscopic nano-particles of palladium with deuterium and in thousands of experiments measured excess heat every time. 4. In 2001, Shaul Lesin and University of California-Berkeley nuclear engineer Ehud Greenspan tested low-energy nuclear reactions in electrolytic cells with varied results. 5. The Energetics used a modulated electric current (superwave) developed by Irving Dardik, who believe that by layering waves of electric current within each other, he could load deuterium into palladium at a great level. “Waves waving within waves” drives the LENR. Superwaves are defined as a low frequency carrying wave with several successive stages of am