Machine Learning

Energy 1.0 dense plasma fusion



The pB11 reaction is a potential way to achieve fusion without radioactive waste. The approach involves using a charged particle to compress boron into a plasmoid, which then undergoes fusion. The benefits of this approach include the fact that boron is abundant and there is no radioactive waste. 1. Hydrogen Boron pB11 = p+B11->3He4 + 8.9 MeV 2. Moving charged particle is electricity, no radioactive waste 3. High power transforms take the charged particles into electricity 4. Boron is adequate and abundant 5. Temperatures must reach 1 billion degrees and x-ray emission occurs 6. Three approaches to fusion: Dense plasma focus (DPF), Field reverse collision collider beam (FRC CB), inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) 7. A current flows from the cathode and anode producing counter rotating filaments. The filaments focus into the focus region. The filaments compress into a plasmoid. When the plasmodia get dense enough, radiation accretes out of each end, the electromagnet field drops, and fusion occurs.