Machine Learning

Tata- why nationalism and industrialism can not solve hunger or clean water problems of poverty



Tata thinks he can help India grow through industrialism, nationalism, and big business. Does big business help increase wealth and quality of life for the poor? Tata knows that he does not have the infrastructure to solve the basic problems of the poor, such as, food and water. Why not? Tata primary goal is too create great profits for his shareholders. He sounds like a Western CEO. The rich get richer, but do the poor get a better quality of life? If Tata will not attempt to help solve hungar and thirst in India and provide cheap financing for small businesses, who will? Who will help the small people? Empathy is different from direct impact. Microloans and financing could provide a surge of innovation and solutions for the poor. The poor people must start to self educate and solve their own problems. Looking to large nationalized corporations to solve problems will be a betrayal. Profits may force the big business away from vital services need by the poor. The poor must find innovate ways to increase food