Machine Learning

What is driving India's growth



Farmers in India are increasing the value of their land and the amount of agriculture crop yield due to better seeds,pesticides, fertilizer, and drip irrigation. Agriculture in India is a $100 billion industry, but yields could double to reach global averages. (Reference Link) 2. India has created a large number of software and call center jobs in the last ten years. 3.The basic structure of India's economy is 17% agriculture, 28% industrial, and 55% services. Agriculture employs 60% of the work force, industry 17%, and services plus others the remaining 23%. 4. Agriculture in India has grown 3%. Factors inhibiting growth in India are low technology penetration, low per capita land holdings, lack of capital and dependence on subsidies and government aid. 5. India's manufacturing is stradefied between modern factories that are on par with global standards verses low producing companies with low capital yields. India free market drivers are inhibited by established oligopolies that control production and qualit