Machine Learning

Energy 1.0 Why are Shale Oil exports preventing the Collapse of the Dollar?



1. The Piceance Basin has 300 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, 25% of the liquid rich natural gas can be recovered. Mancos shales are located in the Piceance Basin. 2. The Dollar is a commodity and its value is determined by its strength of demand against other currencies. For example, as the dollar gains in strength over the euro then more investors take their euros and buy dollars. The demand for the dollar increases. 3. The high cost of gasoline make the extraction of shale possible. Horzontal drilling and shale oil extraction technology have increased the supply of oil to market. 4. China will develop localized shale oil extraction to meet their energy needs 5. Congress is supporting more development of synthetic oil from shale 6. The high price of oil has caused Shale oil too boom . As a result , the price of oil drop below $50 a barrel . The falling oil prices have strangled Russian oil profits 7. New Mexico is the largest oil and natural gas producer, generating over $15 billion in oil and natu