Machine Learning

Energy 1.0 magneto hydro dynamic generator decentralized power plan



1. Black light offers the potential for decentralized energy production. 2. Black light Magneto Hydro Dynamic generator will generate 10 megawatts in a one square foot of space. 50,000 kilowatts of energy is required to create the plasma that the generator will convert the plasma into electricity. The plasma passes through an electromagenetic field creating electricity. 3. A high electric current passes through water creating a hydrino particle, a new molecule with a high energy state. The hydrino energy is released in high energy plasma. The power generation capability is 10^10 watts of power per liter of water. The hydrino fuel generates 10 kilo Jouels of energy per pulse with gear rotating at 200 rpm. The pulse cycle is in the milisecond range producing 10 kilo jouels per pulse yield 10 megawatts of power continueously. The plasma is expanding at supersonic speed passing through copper plates in a magneto hydrodynamic drive plasma to electric current converter. The generator has a water recycling system.