Machine Learning

Bible imagery 24 Elders and the Hinge Point



White signifies purity and obedience to God’s laws. Pride goes before the fall. Satan desires to corrupt individuals through politics, sexual immorality and pride. If Satan gets a hold of the heart, he stirs the individual to anger. The primary tool is pride. Once pride sets in, the individual refuses to feel mercy. At this point, there can only be warning of judgment. The teaching of the gospel stops. The anger and wrath of god turns against the actions of the hard-hearted and rebellious. The end result is destruction of morality. The tragedy is no healing occurs. The media is launching a war of profit. Big business uses all the scenes that peak interest. Big business’ goal is to generate sales. Movies like Dr. Strange and Harry Potter become folklore status among the youth of today. Evil content is ignored in place of character development and story line. Witchcraft and satanic symbolism become part of the story. The story builds suspense and sales. Movies are filled with war and sex. Dr