Machine Learning

Travel before you die



WHY ARE PEOPLE LESS AFRAID TO TRAVEL TO THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES THAN TO GO TO THE STORE? The answer is: Because we have been conditioned to fear the unknown And it is not that we aren’t aware of our fear, it is just that we have learned to live with it The human brain is constantly working to build a story of what is going on around you If we were aware of every little thing that was going on around us, we would be paralyzed with fear As a result, our brains are constantly trying to fit events into the greater context of our life Our brains try to make sense of everything by using previous experiences as a comparison This is the reason that people are afraid to travel to places they are unfamiliar with We are afraid to travel to places where we have no reference points, no previous experiences to rely on This is why we fear the unknown We fear the unfamiliar We fear what we dont know And, as a result, we tend to limit ourselves to only the places we are comfortable with We have a routine We