Machine Learning

Bible imagery - surrendering your will to God by taking a personal inventory of your behavior



Pride is the great barrier between us and God. The process of overcoming pride is continuous. If we can feel the love of the lord for us we can change. We start by writing our feelings on paper knowing our skill maybe lacking. As we write our thoughts the spirit can bring to mind new perspectives. We ask God to take away our defects in thought and feeling. We learn to be honest in our accounting of our behaviors and we write our contribution to another persons joy or pain. The lord helps us to heal within. We reflect upon the thoughts we have written. We are patient with ourselves and realize in time the way will be revealed. We don’t have to be right . We do need to feel. As we acknowledge our feelings the lord can extend his atonement. Being humble and contrite is our gift to God. It means we are in a state of mind and attitude where we can be taught. It means we are capable of receiving correction from God. The lord shows he loves us by correcting our defects that keep us in slavery. What i