Machine Learning




I am not a "perma-bear" -- someone who is always predicting bearish events -- but I am a "perma-realist" -- someone who is right more often than wrong Every time I predicted the price of oil would drop, it did I predicted the collapse of oil prices when oil was at $20 a barrel I said the price of oil would drop to $15 a barrel in early 2016 I said the price of oil would drop to $10 a barrel later in 2016, and I said the price of oil would continue to drop to $5 a barrel by the end of 2016 I was right I am now predicting that the price of oil will drop to $2 a barrel in 2022 I am not predicting that the price of oil will go to $2 a barrel overnight I am predicting that the price of oil will drop to $2 a barrel in 2022 because the world is about to experience a massive oil supply glut in 2019 and 2020 If the price of oil is $2 a barrel in 2022, it will be the first time in history that the price of oil has been this low Think of it this way: $2 a barrel is more than twice as cheap as the price of gas