Machine Learning

Why does E=mc2



Energy is conserved, "you can increase energy here, but you will have to lower it there". Raw mass provides a potential source of energy. Energy can be in the form of mass or kinetic energy. E = mc^2 + 1/2 mv^2 suggests that 1/2 mv^2 is the kinetic energy of the moving mass. Energy, mass, and momentum combine into a single spacetime object. Space and time can not be thought of as separate entities. At Brookhaven on a 14 meter ring a muon should make 15 laps, but in reality it completed 400 laps, a factor of 29, or 60 microseconds. Solving of lamba lamba= 1 / sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2) = 1 / sqrt(1-(.9994)^2) = 28.87 or 29 The prediction is that the muon should live 29 times longer than a muon that is still because of its kinetic energy and speed. The Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP) managed to make over 20 million Z particles through electron/positron collision. Z particles are not stable and last 10 pow –25 seconds before dying. Z particles sometimes decay to produce an electron and positron pair and other