Machine Learning

When employees are happy and companies function well it is because of good communication



WHY IS MANAGEMENT A SYSTEM OF COMMUNICATION Management as a system of communication is a very important concept and it is all around us It is so real that we are all a part of it It is a part of the way we work, our way of thinking and communicating with each other If a company is not functioning well, the problem lies in the system of communication in that company If a company is functioning well, it is because the system of communication is functioning well Let us take a look at some of the examples of the system of communication In a small company, the owner’s son who is working as the manager of the company is not communicating well with the employee The employee is not happy with the system, the way he is being treated, the way his suggestions are being ignored, and the way the company is run This is the system of communication in that company In a company where the employee is not happy, he stops communicating with the management He does not cooperate with the management