California Underground

Episode 108- OMG Schmariant, LA Safe Pass, Noodles' $200k Vacay to Cabo



On this episode I am joined once again by Natalie Beisner to discuss several topics going on in California right now.  First, we talk about the OMG Schmariant arriving in California and what it means for the country. Are lockdowns on the way? Will the government continue to crack down even tighter? Or will it burn out like Delta did? In Los Angeles City, they have rolled out what is called a LA Safe Pass program where you must show proof of vaccination to enter many businesses. However, the City Council voted unanimously that shopping malls are exempt from this, because of...well science I guess.  Finally we discuss Noodles' latest French Laundry gaffe, where he allegedly spent $200,000 for a week stay in Cabo. Who paid for it? How does a public servant have this much money to spend on one vacation? Links to Articles Mentioned in Show First Case of Omicron Found in San Francisco City Council Oks