California Underground

Episode 14 - Warren Tap Dances Around Tax Hikes, Climate Change Unpopular, Bait and Switch with Gas Tax, and Death of the Uber Driver



Like the good socialist Elizabeth Warren is, she dances around how you are going to get all this free stuff without raising taxes on the middle class. Mostly because she knows that by saying so will be political suicide with her as the front runner. Her opponents know this and are hitting her hard on it too.  When everyday people are given the choice between fighting climate change and self preservation, majority of people pick self preservation. What a shocker right? Gruesome Newsom pulls a fast one (that everyone should have expected) and diverted money from the gas tax to pay for stuff that will help combat climate change. Also in other Gruesome news, he signed into law AB 5 which will further destroy working Californians ability to make a living by effectively banning independent contractors from being able to work.  Show Links Warren’s Plan Will Cost Trillions According to Liberal Think Tank