California Underground

Episode 8: 9/11 Was Not "Just Something" - Pres Trump Calls Leftists' Bluff on Sanctuary Cities - CA Hits "Taxuration"



As someone who grew up in New Jersey, 9/11 was not "just something some people did." Representative Omar's remarks are disgusting and insulting to millions of Americans who remember it, and thousands who were directly affected by it. It's becoming more and more clear this Justice Democrat is working to tear down American institutions.  President Trump makes a brilliant move to show the hypocrisy of Leftists regarding Sanctuary Cities. They used to say how Sanctuary Cities were much safer, the economy was better, yada yada yada. Basically they were heaven on earth. But now with the threat of (in their words) the federal government "dumping" illegal immigrants into their cities, they are calling foul and worried it will cause problems.  A recent study shows that California citizens are starting to approach "taxuration" where citizens can no longer stand anymore taxes. What does this mean for Gavin Newsom's ambitious plans going forward?  That and much more in this episode.  Links