California Underground

Episode 7 - Being a Leftist Means Never Saying You're Sorry, Smollett Walks, and Newsom Asks El Salvador for More Migrants



With the Mueller Report now out, leftists continue to grasp to their decaying reality they have been telling themselves for two years. Instead of feeling bad about spreading so much disinformation and lies, they double down and believe there must be something on President Trump they can use to get him out of office.  Jussie Smollett walks free and instead of leaving gracefully and thanking his lucky stars that he got off so easy, he turns around and says he will sue the City of Chicago for slandering his name. Then his attorneys continue to believe he was really attacked, except they were in white face which is why he couldn't identify them.  Governor Newsom heads off to El Salvador to ask them how he can help them send more migrants to our cash strapped state for more freebies. Instead of worrying about the tax paying citizens of California, he goes to Central American countries on bended knee asking how he can better help them. Never mind that we have crumbling roads, housing that is unaffordabl