
#152T: AItoa hämmästelyä



AI:General availability of Azure OpenAI Service expands access to large, advanced AI models with added enterprise benefits Microsoft announces new Bing and Edge browser powered by upgraded ChatGPT AIAI does not impress everyone: Is ChatGPT a worthy investment for Microsoft to push further?Sorry, You Don't Actually Know the Pain is Fake : bing (reddit.com)Irtisanomiset:Microsoft has laid off entire teams behind Virtual, Mixed Reality, and HoloLensModern work:Microsoft concedes that some existing Teams features will become part of pricier Premium editionYammer is evolving to Microsoft Viva EngageKehittäjät:Visual Studio 2022 - 17.5 ReleasedJoin the Azure Collective on Stack OverflowAzure tips & tricks:Azure Native NGINXaaS makes traffic management secure and simple—now generally availableMicrosoft Azure Load Testing is now generally availableGeneral availability: Stream Analytics no-code editor updates in Feb 2023 | Azure updates | Microsoft AzureGeneral availability: Azure Data Explorer Dashboards | Azure