Owning Her Health Podcast

The Woman On the Map to End Rape on Campus



Standing at The intersection of navigating women through Sexual assault risk, personal identity leaps, organizational trauma micro aggressions and all the other tides of current social impact, my Goddess Chat with Kenyora Parham is going to show you a Curvy Hustle if there ever was one!    As a self identified advocate. designer.connector, collaborator, and consistent walker within her own truth, Kenyora Parham MSW, graced the Owning HER Health Stage with her story. In it you will see how she has woven a unique web of personal value and positional power using her authenticity and multi-passionate perspective to now empower other women, especially young women just launching into the micro aggressions of the world With the official title of Executive Director of End Rape on Campus (EndROC), Kenyora and her small team has been able to launch a tool for mapping out risks on campus as well as her supporting the roots of her side hustle C Suite in Living Color In Episode 85 we have a candid conversation around equi